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Leader Magazine

Ag Credit Hosts Third Annie's Project

Central Kentucky Ag Credit recently hosted its third Annie's Project, reinforcing its commitment to supporting and empowering...
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Country Ham Biscuits- Central Kentucky Ag Credit's Farm-to-Table Initiative

In a heartwarming display of community support and agricultural advocacy, Central Kentucky Ag Credit recently embarked on a...
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Ag Credit Youth Investment Purchases Give Back

The Boyle and Mercer County Youth Investment Sales have long been a cornerstone event in our communities, celebrating the...
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AgStart Works for Kernodle

Caleb Kernodle is the son of Rob and Rebecca Kernodle. He takes great pride in talking about the legacy of his family’s farm...
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Outstanding In Their Field

Randa Morris- Loan Officer, Danville Branch Where are you from? I grew up in and still reside in Lancaster, Ky. I’m very...
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Agriculture: On Call 24/7

When the first announcement hit the news in January 2020, farmers in Kentucky like many others were not too concerned about...
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The Next Generation of Farmers By: Willie Wilson, Regional Lending Manager

Young, beginning, and small farmers are an important and sometimes overlooked sector of our ag community. Often described as...
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Customers Helping the Community

Castle and Key distillery was founded in 2014 and is located in the Old Taylor Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky. Amidst the...
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Outstanding in Their Field

Where are you from? I was born in Lexington, Ky, in 1967 – we moved to the farm in Madison County in 1981 and been here ever...
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Sixth Generation Farmer Continues Family Tradition

When Lincoln Clifford graduated from Harrison County High School six years ago, he was like many young adults with big dreams...
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