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Ag Credit Youth Investment Purchases Give Back

Loan Officers from the Danville branch pictured with local youth.

The Boyle and Mercer County Youth Investment Sales have long been a cornerstone event in our communities, celebrating the hard work and dedication of young exhibitors who raise and showcase exceptional livestock. Ag Credit has taken their commitment to community service to an inspiring new level by donating harvested meat from the sale animals and putting it back into the community.

After the sale, Ag Credit along with ProAg and Caverndale donate the meat to Sunrise Children's Home, a local facility dedicated to providing care and support for children in need. This generous act ensures that the children at Sunrise have access to high-quality, nutritious meals. The Mercer County Youth Investment Sale harvested meat is donated to the Harrodsburg United Methodist Church who sponsors a free weekly community feeding program.

The decision to donate was driven by a desire to give back to the community and help those who might not have access to fresh, locally sourced meat. The donation not only provides immediate nutritional benefits but also teaches the youth involved about the importance of community service and the positive impact of agricultural pursuits.

This heartwarming gesture underscores the values of compassion and generosity that are integral to the Boyle and Mercer County Youth Investment Sale. It also highlights the significant role that agriculture and youth programs play in fostering a sense of responsibility and community engagement among young people.

As we celebrate these young exhibitors, we also recognize the broader community's support, which makes such impactful contributions possible. These County Youth Investment Sales are more than just an event—they are a testament to the power of youth in agriculture to make a meaningful difference in their communities.

Pictured with the local exhibitors are Principal Loan Officer Brad Godbey, Loan Officer Beth Mobley, and Loan Officer Randa Morris.

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