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Annie's Project

Annie's Project
March 12 - April 16
Registration Fee covered by Central Kentucky Ag Credit

Ag Credit office- 2429 Members Way Lexington

Farm Business Management Brought to you by Ag Credit

Free Meal will be available at 5:30 pm, and the Meeting will start at 6:00 and go until 9:00 

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What is Annie's Project?

Annie’s Project is the agricultural business education program that empowers farm and ranch women who want to be more knowledgeable about their agricultural enterprises. Women learn best with and from other women. Annie’s Project takes advantage of that by creating a comfortable and supportive learning environment focused on the best farm business management practices. 

Course participants will learn practical strategies to make good decisions in five key management areas: financial, human resources, legal, marketing, and production.

Tentative Class Agenda

Class 1: Welcome & Overview of the Course
Registration and Pre-Risk Management Survey
Colors Communications Assessment
Goal Setting Exercise

Class 2: Managing Finances
Balance Sheet and Cash Flow
The intersection of family and farm finances
Working with lenders

Class 3: Mental Health & Farm Safety
Farm Safety Instruction
Mental Health Awareness in Agricultural Entities
Insurance Questions for the farm and family

Class 4: Legal Issues
Financial Planning
Estate Planning

Class 5: Marketing
Website Design
Marketing your Business
Crop/LRP Insurance and Marketing Plans

Class 6: Production
Using Ag Decision Maker
KDA/USDA Programs

Format of Meetings:
-Brief presentations and extended discussions with professional women in their respective fields
-Important topics affecting farm operations
-Learn about resources available to women in ag
-Network with other women in ag
-Annie's Project is hands-on, not just lectures