Ag Credit Fall Roundup

Mercer County Fairgounds 560 Linden Ave. Harrodsburg KY 40330
Contact: Cassie Johnson (o) 859-253-3249 (c)712-490-5397.
- General Rules
General Rules & Information
1. Entry is open to any resident of Kentucky 21 years of age and younger. This is a junior show, exhibitors must not have turned 22 before January 1, 2024. There are no entry fees. Entries will be taken up to 10 a.m. the day of the show.
2. All animals must be owned solely by the exhibitor in their name on the registration papers. If any animal is pending please contact Cassie Johnson about these questions.
3. Participants will be assigned to one of the following age divisions for showmanship: Senior (17-21), Intermediate (13-16), Junior (12 and under), and Novice (8 and under). Age determined as of January 1, 2024.
4. This is a junior event with NO ALCOHOL allowed in the barns or on the grounds.
5. Generators are welcomed and encouraged.
6. To promote the good management of show cattle, exhibitors, their parents, and sponsors are responsible for properly using animal health aids (drugs), growth promotions, and any other approved materials with great care.
7. Breakaway Rule: Any animal deemed unmanageable or that poses a safety risk to exhibitors or other animals will be disqualified from the show and returned to the stalls immediately upon the judgment of the show committee. Once an animal has broken away, it is at the discretion of the show committee at the show ring to decide if an animal poses a danger and should be disqualified.
8. Tattoos must be legible at check-in and match the animal’s registration paper
9. Any violation of the above rules will result in an automatic disqualification from the Fall Roundup.
10. No cattle or equipment may move into the barns or grounds prior to 12:00 PM Friday, September 6th, 2024. If you plan to come Friday afternoon please notify Cassie at 712-490-5397.
11. Central Kentucky Ag Credit or any parties involved in the planning and execution of the show are not responsible for accident, injury, or loss.
12. Bedding will NOT be provided, exhibitors are responsible for bringing their own bedding, and bedding will not be available at the facilities to purchase.
Prospect Market Animal Rules
1. There will be a Champion and Reserve Champion Prospect Market Animal.
2. All prospect market steers and heifers have to be born on or after January 1, 2024.
3. All prospect market animals will be shown by weight. The weight will be declared by the exhibitor at time of check-in.
4. This is a junior show, exhibitors must be under 21 as of January 1, 2024.
Breeding Female & Bull Show Rules
1. Official health papers and registration papers are required. All animals must be owned solely by the exhibitor and in their name on the registration papers.
2. A breed will be made up of at least five head present. Cattle belonging to a breed with less than five head will compete in All Other Breeds.
a. Commercial Division - Commercial Heifers only, will show by weight. Commercial animals must not have been issued a registration paper.
3. There will be Top 5 overall female Supreme and Reserve Supreme Bred & Owned Bull.
4. Eligible ages: Heifers born September 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024.
5. Eligible Bulls: Bred and owned bulls born January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
6. To be eligible for the Cow/Calf Class, the cow must have been born prior to
7. September 1, 2022. The calf will be eligible for any of the individual classes providing it falls within the age requirements for classes. Maximum age for the calf is 250 days.
8. Bulls 6 months of age and over must have a nose lead at all times. Bulls without a nose lead will not be allowed to show. Bulls must be bred & owned to be eligible to show.Payout Breakdown
Top 5 Overall Females
Grand Champion: $500
Reserve Champion: $400
Third Overall: $100
Fourth Overall: $75
Fifth Overall: $50Top 2 Overall Bulls
Grand Champion: $100
Reserve Champion: $50Top 2 Overall Prospect Market Animals
Grand Champion: $100
Reserve Champion: $50Showmanship
Champion Showman $50
Reserve Showman $25
- Schedule
Saturday, September 7, 2024
8-9:30 a.m. All cattle and exhibitors must check in.
11 a.m. Cattle Show will begin as follows:
Showmanship (Senior, Intermediate, Junior, Novice)
Prospect Market Animals
Breeding Females