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In addition to regular news, we also publish quarterly Leader Magazines that dig deep into stories that impact our community. If you'd like to read the magazine in its original format, you can get the PDF version on our site. 

Young Farmer Advisory Council Members Complete AgBiz Planner Class

Central Kentucky Ag Credit recently recognized several members of the Young Farmer Adversity Council for successful...
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Episode 27 ADM Deforestation Policy Discussion

In this episode we sit down with Dr. Jordan Shockley and discuss crops, ADM's new deforestation policy, and how it could affect farmers in Kentucky
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Episode 26 Madison County Fair

Listen to Ag Credit inter, Emily Murphy, as she speaks with Madison County Extension Agent, Brandon Sears, and County Fair...
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Ag Credit Fall Roundup

If you plan to attend, please register your animals and exhibitors early! Contact: Cassie Johnson (o) 859-253-3249 (c)712-490...
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Episode 25 Mercer County Fair

In this episode, Ag Credit visits the Mercer County Fair & Horse Show where Extension Agents and FFA members come together and share their passion for agriculture. You will find that this rural Kentucky County has many individuals who cultivate leadership and advocate for agriculture in their communities.
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Episode 24 Franklin County Fair

This episode features the Franklin County Fair. Listen to JR Zinner talk about his experience in serving as a Western Hills Ag Instructor, FFA Advisor, and Fair Board member. We also sit down with the Shaffer family and FFA members to talk about what FFA means to them and the community.
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Annie's Project

Farm Business Management Brought to you by Ag Credit Free Meal will be available at 5:30 pm, and the Meeting will start at 6...
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Episode 23 Around the Bourbon County Fair

Ag Credit Intern Emily Murphy spoke with some of the people behind the scenes of the Bourbon County Fair and what they love about the week-long event, including Sunshine Day, which provides a welcoming and accessible environment for individuals, families, and children who have sensory sensitivities and disabilities.
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Ag Credit Cultivate Program

For Young, Beginning, or Small Ag Producers. The applicant will serve a 2-year term with meetings starting February 2023...
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Leader Magazine

The Ag Credit Leader provides stories, tips and Ag Credit information four times a year.