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Jonathan Noe Named President-Elect of Central Kentucky Ag Credit Jim Caldwell and Jonathan Noe Share Conversation

President and CEO Jonathan Noe

Jonathan Noe has been named President and CEO-Elect of Central Kentucky Ag Credit.  The Board of Directors has confirmed the action, and Noe will assume full presidential responsibility on July 1, 2022.  Noe has been Ag Credit’s Vice President and Chief Lending Officer for the past 14 years.

    He started his service to Ag Credit over 20 years ago in February 2002.  Noe has held several positions with Central Kentucky Ag Credit since that time, including Loan Officer at the Stanford Office; Assistant Vice President & Manager of the Stanford Office; and Vice President and Chief Lending Officer of Central Kentucky Ag Credit.  Jonathan earned his BS in Agriculture with a Business minor from Eastern Kentucky University at Richmond.  He and his wife, Keri, are parents of three boys and the family resides in Lancaster, KY.

Caldwell and Noe Discuss Ag Credit’s Future

    Jim Caldwell and Jonathan Noe were relaxed while sharing a discussion about Central Kentucky Ag Credit.  As they exchanged views and responded to questions, it was easy to determine why both men are financial leaders.  They know their financial stuff!  

Equally important were their views regarding the future of Central Kentucky Ag Credit.

    “We hope to maintain our upward trajectory,” said Noe.  He was referring to the present high status of growth, independence and credit quality. Noe envisions that Ag Credit will continue to grow and develop, accompanied by a growing number of member-borrowers.  

Caldwell agreed.  

The conversation then momentarily fell silent as Jim thought about something he learned from a former colleague  … “I was told that when challenges take place in Ag Credit, give your Board of Directors all the information and leave them to think about it … they will come up with the right answer.”  That philosophy described the management relationship that has kept Ag Credit viable as a major farm lender for nearly nine decades.

    Both the President and the President-Elect indicated that “relationships” in lending will be extremely important to future Ag Credit financial health and strength.  Jonathan said, “farmers want more than just money … they want a financial partner who can help them survive and make a profit.”   That concept has been imbedded in the culture of Central Kentucky Ag Credit during Jim Caldwell’s presidency.  Jonathan sees building it stronger under his watch.  

    Both men agree that Ag Credit’s culture is a treasure, a part of which is dedication to maintaining viable lending services for farmers, land owners and rural residents in Central Kentucky.  A view into the changing world of banking and general lending practices has indicated that some other financial sources are here today and gone tomorrow.  

Caldwell and Noe discussed the independence of Ag Credit; the Association’s ability to respond to changing farm and financial conditions; and a wise, caring attitude for the welfare of member-borrowers.  Those cultural characteristics, they believe, are the bedrock of Ag Credit’s service to borrowers.

Ag Credit’s Staff

    When the conversation turned to Ag Credit employees, it was striking to note that quality is paramount, with financial skills, of course, a given.  Jim said it is necessary to “keep the bar high”.  He added that, “our employees must love agriculture, and they must love serving farmers and rural residents.”  Jonathan added, “our staff must be well-rounded, have analytical skills, and they certainly must have people skills.”

    Overall, the executive duo was interactive and frank throughout their conversation.  There was an atmosphere of mutual respect.  Cooperation was evident, which was probably a positive factor in their successful working relationship for several years.  The root of it all was a determination to keep financial tools available for qualified farmers who need Ag Credit services.

    While the presidency at Ag Credit is changing, a determination to provide reliable credit services to full and part-time farmers and rural residents is not changing.  

Essentially, it seems the more things change in farming and rural areas the stronger Central Kentucky Ag Credit’s culture will become.

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